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Certainly one has to agree there are contractions, paradoxes. But the idea that we are early isn't really the best explanation as to why there aren't UFOs. The Universe is huge in size. We aren't early so much as we are far away. Distance matters. Just as Occam's Razor suggests very strongly that the simplest explanation is the most likely we must, for similar reasons, not assume new basic physics which contradicts that which we know with a high degree of certainty: Otherwise we might as well as explain the "evidence" of UFOs as being proof of God and his angels. So why does the Universe's size matter? The absolute impossibility (so we must assume) of travelling faster than the speed of light, and the extraordinary energy requirement to accelerate matter to even a few percent of that speed.

The question isn't, "Why haven't we been visited?" but "Why aren't they communicating with us?" That's why we might conclude we are early. Or alone, at least locally.

Of course, when one is creeping up on the nest of cockroaches, so as to exterminate them, one doesn't warn them of one's imminent arrival.

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